SIGMA has introduced a pair of new lenses, including what is the world’s tiniest ultra
wide angle lens (10-18mm F2.8 DC DN | Contemporary and a new Sports Lens, the 70-
200mm F2.8 DG DN OS. Let’s take a look at both lenses.
SIGMA 10-18mm F2.8 DC DN | Contemporary Ultra Wide Angle Lens
This new ultra-wide angle lens really is small and light, weighing in at 3.52 oz. (260g),
which is music to my ears. Like many in the film and photography industry, I’ve spent
years lugging around a backpack or bag with my DSLR, an assortment of lenses,
batteries, and other accessories, so smaller and lighter lenses are always preferred.
- Max aperture of F2.8, minimum of F22
- 13 elements, 10 groups (3 FLD, 1 SLD, 4 aspherical)
- 7 rounded diaphragm blades
- Inner focus system
- High-speed autofocus compatibility
- DMF and AF+MF support
- 67mm filter size
- L-Mount, E-Mount (Sony), X-Mount (Fujifilm)
While the uses of such a lens are more limited than, say a ‘nifty fifty’ or the Sports Lens
we’ll look at next, it’s still good to have such a lens in your bag if you’re doing heavy duty
production or photography. It retails for $599 USD (not a bad price) and will begin
shipping at the end of October 2023. Learn more here.
SIGMA 70-200mm F2.8 DG DN OS | Sports Lens
Another new release from SIGMA is a new telephoto sports lens, the 70-200mm F2.8
DG DN OS. This lens is still currently in development with a planned release in
December 2023. Pricing isn’t available yet.
A fast telephoto lens is always a must in every camera bag, whether you’re shooting
sports or not. These types of lenses came in handy for me and others years ago when
filming high school and college football (American) for local news stations.
Not a lot is known about it, including a full list of features, but it will:
- L-Mount and E-Mount (Sony)
- HLA built in, which is a High-response Linear Actuator AF Motor
- Latest OS2 optical stabilization system
- Weather resistant for those outdoor shoots
a ‘full’ set with this and two other lenses (mirrorless), the SIGMA 12-24mm F2.8 DG DN
| Art and 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN | Art. Check out the little bit of details here, but expect
even more information soon.
Tags: Lenses